Friday, November 19, 2010

What's new in Spring 3.1 - Part II

As you can see from my previous post, that I love talking about Spring Framework and recently in Spring 2GX, they have announced how Spring 3.1 will lay out. It surely looking promising as Spring team puts lots of thought behind each Spring framework milestone. Here are most of the features that you are going to see in Spring 3.1 world.

Scheduler Enhancement - you can schedule cron job to call from java bean, similar to timer bean..
Improve and support JEE6 - Continue to provide more feature enhancement for JEE6
Environment profiles for bean- I think this will be widlt used as this allow to have a profile for different environment, like development, test and production. In other words grouping bean definition for activation in specific environments.
Java based application configuration- I think this will help developers who does not want to deal with XML configuration and want to configure using annotation in java class.

Public class applicationConfiguration
private DataSource ds;
public OrderDetail OrderDetail(){
return new OrderDetailImpl(ds);



Cache Abstraction- provide support for distributed caching that is specially useful for caching solution in cloud . Also will have common adopter for cache solution provider like EHCache. they have support for convenient caching annotation "@Cacheable", they have cache manager API for EHCacheCacheManager, GemFireCacheManager

Conversation Management - provide abstraction for conversational sessions, you should be able to identify conversational state by may be passing around ID for conversational states, I think you might be able to externalize session information and use as distributed caching. Also this theme will provide foundation for Web Flow 3.0

Servlet 3.0, JSF 2.0, Groovy - Automatic deployment of framework listeners. which I think might have drawback as you don't want to deploy everything (as you might be using all ths listeners), they will have support for JSF2.0 and will have more support. They might have template classes for Groovy support.

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